I finally got there. I just added the first scales to my practice manual! I gave the honour to the viola, because, why not. Starting to learn the viola about 6 years ago taught me more about teaching than you can possibly imagine. I realised that the viola relates to an adult the way a violin is measured to a child, and that the solutions I discovered to deal with the extra weight and size could really help my students solve their issues better. By placing myself, in a way, in their shoes, I understood their struggles a lot better and it allowed me to find efficient solutions.

If you compare what I teach with how you see great virtuosi hold and handle their instrument, you might wonder why I insist so much on posture, relaxation, thumb position, etc. However, once you have a few decades of experience under your belt, an instrument that is proportionally tiny and often with mythical qualities, you will also be able to break some rules.

Until then, be patient and enjoy your scales for now. Things will get easier and more diverse very soon!

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