So far, all exercises used scale-like patterns. We went up or down, one note at a time. This chapter will address the issues with placing multiple fingers at a time, both on one string and across different strings.
Music isn’t linear, nor predictable, and a good understanding of intervals, and the ability to place them quickly with a beautiful sound and intonation, will help you learn more pieces faster and better.
This chapter starts small, but as we progress the jumps become bigger. A few little pieces have inserted between the exercises so you can experience them in a more musical setting.
Good luck!
THE THIRDS: Exercising Thirds across all four finger patterns
THE THIRDS: Exercising Thirds with String Crossings
Intervals in Practice – Dance by N. Laoureux
Here we put into practice all intervals we have practiced so far. This slow dance in 3/4 by Nicolas Laoureux is a beautiful little piece to show how it all fits together.
THE FOURTHS: Exercise on placing Fourths
Intervals in Practice – N. Laoureux
Here we put into practice all intervals we have practiced so far. This piece in 4/4 helps the student to apply everything they have mastered into another slow piece. Have fun!
THE FIFTHS: Exercise on Diminished Fifths
THE FIFTHS & SIXTHS Introducing the sixths and exercise on placing fifths
THE SEVENTHS & OCTAVES Introducing the 7ths, Octaves and Arpeggios
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